A journey continues!
The average lifespan of a sea freight container is thirteen years. But his journey doesn't have to end there. Space for freight becomes valuable and sustainable living space.
Convinced and fascinated by the idea of building with discarded sea freight containers, we initially focused on the component, the “brick” of this architecture, and developed a process that turns a container into a universal, sustainable housing module.
Research & Development
The spirit of research and entrepreneurship has been our impetus in developing our innovation in the insulation of container modules. With our engineers and our partner network, we continue to work and research on the optimization of our resource-saving construction modules.
“Containerwerk’s business idea is a fine example of how to recognize and understand a social challenge and how to develop a solution offering based on this understanding.“
Felix Jansen, Director PR, Communications and Marketing at DGNB German Sustainable Building Council
Multiple awards!
The Founders
Ivan Mallinowski, entrepreneur and inventor for over twenty years, manages all engineering processes.
Michael Haiser, entrepreneur since 1995, joined the project in 2016 and 2017, together with Ivan Mallinowski, founded Containerwerk.
Made in Germany
The automated and industrial assembly of the sea freight containers takes place in our production halls in Wassenberg. Housing modules made in Germany!
Containerwerk in the press
Evolution Containerwerk
Mallinowski: “Back in 2008, as part of a collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute, my custom-design construction company Artec 360 was commissioned to build a ‘hotel room of the future’ into a sea container. We successfully solved the complex task, and at that time I had my light bulb moment: Wow, it works to build a really high-quality living space out of a sea container.”
Haiser: “The biggest challenge was the wall construction. That’s difficult because of the building physics of the freight boxes. The process, which we have been fine-tuning for a long time, is a unique technology for monolithic, i.e. thermal-bridge-free and compact full insulation from a single cast. What’s more, the insulation is processed by machine, making it unrivaled in terms of speed.”
Mallinnowski: „The eight-year development period of our technology was subjected to many crucial tests, withstood them and was optimized continuously. At some point, it was clear we had developed a room module that met all the requirements for serial construction according to European standards.“
We are looking for reinforcements at our locations in Stuttgart and Wassenberg.